Denmark Mews, Tottenham, N17
We are working on a backland site in Tottenham, in the shadow of New White Hart Lane stadium. The scheme, which will consist of 5 3 bed houses and will be 100% social housing. When complete, the homes will be able to house homeless families in need of emergency temporary accommodation within the Borough.
The developed scheme is for 5 two-storey blocks, with 3m gaps between each, providing terrace spaces for each unit. As the site runs on a North to South axis these terraces allow for South facing windows to each unit. Each terrace has perforated brick walls either side providing privacy for both the tenants of the scheme and the existing neighbouring properties.
Upside-down living means that these South facing windows serve the living / dining and kitchen accommodation. Large inward looking openings to the terrace negate the need and reliance for clear glazed windows to the East or West elevations. There are no overlooking windows to neighbouring gardens.